Orange, Cranberry and Pecan...Muffins for Company

      Bill and I just returned from a mini-vacation in Camden, Maine.  We stayed at the Grand Harbor Inn right on the water.  Part of the package included an in-room continental breakfast that included granola, yogurt and muffins.  The muffins were commercial and sub par but it didn’t ruin the experience of being away and we made up for it with yummy dinners both nights.  As soon as I got home I couldn’t wait to make a decent muffin and for me fall muffins include nuts and dried fruit.  The base for this recipe comes from The Bradford, (New Hampshire) Women's Club Fiftieth Anniversary Cookbook – a blueberry muffin recipe that I have made for years.

Cranberry, Pecan and Orange Muffins

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

½ cup butter
1 cup sugar

Add one at a time and blend until incorporated:
2 eggs

Combine and slowly add and mix:
½ cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
grated zest from one orange

Sift together and add to wet ingredients until just mixed:
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt

Then stir in:

¾ cup dried cranberries
¾ cup coarsely chopped pecans

Fill prepared muffin tins (either paper lined or lightly sprayed with non-stick spray). 
Sprinkle with 1 – 2 tablespoons King Arthur Sparkling Sugar.

This recipe makes 12 small muffins.  I baked them for 26 minutes until they were a light golden brown. Enjoy!


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